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                                     Executive Order
Virginia Executive Order 28, which addresses the critical issue of opioids and their impact on our community. The opioid epidemic is a serious public health concern affecting individuals and families across the nation, and it is crucial for us to work together to address this challenge. In Virginia, drug overdoses are the leading cause of unnatural death and have been since 2013. More Virginians die every year from overdoses than from automobile crashes. Opioids - specifically fentanyl - has been the driving force behind the large increases. In 2021, fentanyl contributed to 76.4% of all Virginia overdose deaths. It was estimated that 98% of these fatal fentanyl overdoses in Virginia were caused by the illicit, rather than prescription, version of the drug. Awareness and education are two of the best defenses against opioid misuse and overdose.


Executive Order 28 Overview:

Virginia Executive Order 28 was issued to enhance efforts in combating the opioid crisis. The Executive Order directed the Department of Education to issue guidance regarding best practices to support decision-making protocols for school leaders, developing parent notification protocols, and reinforcing best practices.


Available Resources:

We understand the importance of providing resources and support to those affected by substance abuse. There are numerous resources available on this website to assist individuals and families in our community. 


Prevention Programs: Education and prevention programs play a crucial role in addressing drug misuse. Students can expect to hear more about drug and alcohol prevention at school during health classes, and during other enrichment opportunities.


As we navigate these challenges together, our school remains committed to supporting our students and families. If you have any concerns or need additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out to our school counselors, school nurse, SRO, or administration.

We appreciate your partnership in creating a safe and healthy environment for our students.




Jessica F. Pillow


Central Middle School


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